
Tips you’re hiring an honest candidate

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The routine of hiring a new member of staff can cost time, money and requires a lot of energy. For large businesses, an in-house HR team will usually take care of narrowing down potential candidates to a suitable number for the interviewing stage. However, with so many people applying for jobs it’s hard to keep track on the legit information received and that which has been manipulated towards the job requirements.


Employing a member of staff with false information on their CV could have many repercussions, in turn causing harm to the business. Simon Houlton, CEO of IScreenYouScreen, an online reference checking software, has put together a list of protocols to ensure you hire an honest candidate.

1. Tailor your interview questions


When reading a CV, begin to prepare questions which allow the candidate to give specific examples. From previous work experience to playing for a university sports team, ask them to give examples of certain moments. Their response time as well as depth of answer should give a good judgment on whether the applicant is speaking the truth. Questions like this can often throw individuals off, leading them to struggle for an answer.


2. Research social media accounts


In today’s environment, social media has allowed us to find anyone in the world. This therefore can prove to be an effective tool when researching a potential candidate. Simple checks like finding their age, looking for any images or tweets that suggest the candidate has attended university or even matching their CV’s to LinkedIn profile, can all help when it comes to judging the trustworthiness of the job applicant.


3. Set tasks


A good way to not only determine whether the applicant has a trustworthy CV, but to see if they’re suitable for the job is to set a mini task, asking them to bring their product to the interview. This will enable the candidate to demonstrate their skills whilst also giving you an idea if they’re suitable to the role or not. If an applicant has written that they’re a highly skilled graphic designer and you’ve asked them to create a new brand logo, if they produce something that is average at best, it could speak volumes.  


4. Carrying out reference checks   


Although this can usually take up a lot of time contacting past employers or researching past educations, it can determine whether the applicant is invited in for an interview or not. Finding out if a candidate has lied about previous work experience will say a lot about them and therefore save you the time of interviewing them knowing their CV is not 100% true. Using reference checking software can be a huge help, letting you concentrate on running your businesses before picking the final candidates.


For more information please visit www.iscreenyouscreen.com


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