Employers urged to create more apprenticeship opportunities in grounds management

This National Apprenticeship Week, Leeds Rhinos Head Groundsperson Ryan Golding is urging employers, including sports clubs and organisations, to invest in apprenticeships and help secure the future of the grounds management industry.
Data from the Grounds Management Association (GMA) shows the industry will face an employment crisis if more isn’t done to attract and train the next generation of grounds care professionals.
National Apprenticeship Week, which takes place from 10th - 16th February, is an annual event that raises awareness about apprenticeships and the long-term recruitment solutions they can offer employers.
Ryan began his career at Leeds Rhinos as an apprentice, initially working under former Head Groundsperson Jason Booth, who had also started as an apprentice at the club.
Data from the GMA shows around 40% of the current grounds management workforce are over 50 and up to 15% of those employed in the industry are planning to retire in the next 3 years.
The GMA is the not-for-profit organisation that supports volunteer and professional groundspeople, including those looking to get started in the industry. The GMA’s NextGen programme aims to inspire more young people to get involved in grounds management. As a former member of the GMA’s NextGen, Ryan was recently awarded a Pioneer Mark by the GMA, recognising his work to help young professionals build their careers in grounds management.
Ryan says: “I’m delighted to have received a Pioneer Mark from the GMA, bringing through the next generation is a huge passion of mine – and apprenticeships are central to this.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today without an apprenticeship. Grounds management is a brilliant career, and we need more young people coming through to fill the gaps that are opening up. Apprenticeships can help clubs and organisations find and develop ambitious young professionals.”
“If you don’t have an apprenticeship scheme in place, there’s support available, including from the government. You can also check out the GMA website for more information on training and career pathways.”
To learn more about career and training in grounds management, go to: www.thegma.org.uk.
Image above shows Ryan Golding receiving Pioneer Mark from Jennifer Carter of the GMA
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