
Juggling Jargon: 1/2 of job applicants admit to using words they don't know the true meaning of, reveals survey

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  • One-third of employees have used business jargon in a meeting without fully understanding the meaning.
  • 81% of employers say that a job candidate using a word in the wrong sense is unforgivable.
  • 77% of managers would be more likely to hire a candidate who uses a wide and varied vocabulary.
  • Online quiz allows readers to test their own vocab skills based on the Oxford English Dictionary's new words.

Feeling fantoosh or fantysheeny? Is your vocabulary list in need of sprucing up for a job interview or are your language skills fairly eeksie-peeksie? A survey by CV writing professionals, Purple CV, found that many employees don't fully understand the business jargon used in their workplace. With new words released recently by the Oxford English Dictionary, it's important to try keep up with times - without sounding like a total bampot - especially if you're on the hunt for a new job.

Purple CV, wanted to find out how Brits would score when tested on their vocabulary skills, and jargon in the workplace. They conducted a survey of 3,000 Brits and found that when tested on The Oxford English Dictionary’s updated words, they achieved an average score of just 56%! Perhaps people in the North West of England should brush up on their vocabulary as when compared across the UK, it was found that they scored the lowest on average at 50%. It seems Scots, on the other hand, are more clued up scoring 69% on average.

Purple CV asked job applicants some follow-up questions about their understanding and use of words when applying for potential jobs. One-fifth said they consciously use industry-appropriate jargon in their CVs in order to catch the eye of a potential employer. Knowledge is power, it appears, as 43% of applicants feel it is important to learn the industry jargon before beginning your first job.

Test your own vocab knowledge using Purple CV’s fun, interactive quiz based on the latest additions to the Oxford English Dictionary: https://purplecv.co.uk/blog/140-test-your-vocabulary.html

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