
Recruiters and candidates agree the human element still critical to the hiring experience

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Despite ongoing technology enhancements in the talent acquisition industry, recruiters and candidates agree that an informed, responsive recruiter is critical to creating a positive candidate experience and to finding the best person for the job. That according to two new global surveys – one of candidates and one of talent acquisition professionals – by Korn Ferry (NYSE: KFY).


The surveys found that 90 percent of candidates and 80 percent of recruiters say it is either very or extremely important that the candidate like the recruiter with whom they are working.


“Technology has allowed us to make tremendous strides in talent acquisition, such as the use of AI to source the best candidates for a role, but it’s the positive interaction with a recruiter and/or hiring manager that can make or break a candidate experience,” said Jeanne MacDonald, global co-operating executive and president of global talent solutions for Korn Ferry’s RPO and Professional Search business.


When considering what is the top way a recruiter can gain credibility with a candidate, both surveys cite being knowledgeable about the specific job, organisation and industry.


More than half (53 percent) of candidates say that the top way communications break down is when a recruiter “ghosts” them by not calling them back or letting them know where they stand in the hiring process.


“The best philosophy is to treat candidates like customers of the company for which they are applying, said MacDonald. “We want every part of the recruiting process to run smoothly, and a big part of that is being responsive and treating each candidate with respect.”


When asked for the top reasons as to why candidates are looking for a new job, recruiters cite a better title/more responsibility as the top reason (20 percent), followed by salary (19 percent) and they are bored/need a new challenge at 16 percent.


When a candidate is trying to decide between two offers, they say the best thing a recruiter can do is discuss why the recruiter’s offer better aligns with their career aspirations (44 percent). Only 5 percent said giving them more money would be the top move for causing them to accept one offer over another.


And when it comes to convincing a candidate to choose their job offer, only half (50 percent) of candidates say the recruiter can convince them to take the job if they are unsure of the position. When asked the same question, recruiters were much more confident, with 83 percent saying they can convince an uncertain candidate to take the job.


About the Survey – The two global Korn Ferry surveys of job candidates and talent acquisition professionals were conducted in the spring of 2019 and garnered responses from 830 candidates and 161 talent acquisition professionals worldwide. Due to rounding, percentages may not equal 100.


Candidate Survey Responses:


Can a recruiter convince you to take a job even if you are unsure about the position?

  • Yes - 50%                                                                                                    
  • No - 50%                                                                                                       


In your experience, where do communications fall down most between you and a recruiter?

  • They “ghost” me by not calling me back, and not letting me know where I stand - 53%                                               
  • They don’t tell me enough about what the role entails - 17%                      
  • They don’t seek to understand what motivates me - 18%                           
  • I am given conflicting information by different people during the process - 12%                                                                                        


What is the best thing a recruiter can do if you are trying to decide between two offers?

  • Offer me more money - 5%                                                                        
  • Offer work-life balance - 8%                                                                       
  • Up the benefits off (e.g. vacation, flex time) - 5%                                    
  • Help me decide which offer is best suited for me - 36%                             
  • Discuss why their offer better aligns with my career aspirations - 44%      
  • Do nothing and hope for the best - 1%                                                         


What is the best way a recruiter can gain credibility with you? (No. 1 is the top way a recruiter can gain credibility)

  • No. 1 Be knowledgeable about the specific job, industry and the organisation
  • No. 2 Understand my background and what motivates me
  • No. 3 Regularly update me on where I stand during the recruiting process
  • No. 4 Give me detailed advice on how to thrive during the interview process
  • No. 5 Be honest about the negative aspects of the job/organisation


What is the top way a recruiter can lose credibility with you? (No. 1 is the top way a recruiter can lose credibility)

  • No. 1 Not knowing much about the company or position for which they are trying to recruit me
  • No. 2 Not understanding my background and what motivates me
  • No. 3 Not updating me regularly on where I stand in the recruiting process
  • No. 4 Not giving enough information on how the recruiting process will unfold
  • No. 5 Not being honest about the negative aspects of the job/organisation


How important is it that you like the recruiter with whom you are working?

  • Extremely important - 35%                                                                         
  • Somewhat important - 55%                                                                           
  • Not important - 10%                                                                                      


Survey of Talent Acquisition Professionals:


Where do communications between the recruiter and the candidate fall down the most?

  • Not clearly articulating what the role entails - 17%                                       
  • Not understanding the candidate’s motivations - 13%                                
  • “Ghosting” the candidate by not communicating where they stand in the process - 55%                                                                    
  • Candidate receives conflicting information from different people during the process - 16%                                                                              


In what part of the recruiting process is a candidate most vulnerable to dropping out?

  • After initial contact with the recruiter/hiring manager - 36%                         
  • After taking a written assessment - 8%                                                       
  • After the interview - 29%                                                                              
  • After being made an offer - 17%                                                                 
  • After being hired but before the candidate starts work - 10%                     


What’s the primary way you make initial contact with a candidate?

  • Email - 33%                                                                                                   
  • Text - 2%                                                                                                       
  • Phone call - 42%                                                                                          
  • AI/chatbot - 0%                                                                                               
  • Social media such as LinkedIn - 23%                                                           
  • Grassroots, e.g. networking event - 0%                                                       


How important is it to ask candidates what motivates them (e.g. title, pay, challenges) to determine if they are a good fit for a role?

  • Extremely important - 60%                                                                          
  • Very important - 36%                                                                                    
  • Slightly important - 4%                                                                                 
  • Not at all important - 0%                                                                               


What are the top factors motivating a candidate to start a job hunt?

  • Higher salary - 19%                                                                                       
  • Better title/more responsibility - 20%                                                             
  • Better work-life balance - 14%                                                                      
  • Relocation - 1%                                                                                              
  • Culture doesn’t fit with their values - 10%                                                    
  • Difficulties with their manager/boss - 10%                                                    
  • They’re bored and need a new challenge - 16%                                          
  • They have either lost their job or expect to - 5%                                           


Do you mostly rely on assessment data or your instincts and intuition when recommending a candidate?

  • Rely on assessment data - 37%                                                                   
  • Rely on my instincts and intuition about the person - 63%                           


Rank the top ways for a recruiter to gain credibility with a candidate, with one being the top way to gain credibility

  • No. 1 Be knowledgeable about the specific job, industry and organisation
  • No. 2 Understand the candidate and their background
  • No. 3 Regularly update the candidate on where they stand during the recruiting process
  • No. 4 Give them detailed advice on how to thrive during the interview process


Rank in order the ways a recruiter can lose credibility with a candidate, with one being the top way they can lose credibility

  • No. 1 Not knowing much about the position or the company for which the candidate is being recruited
  • No. 2 Not understanding the candidate or their background
  • No. 3 Not updating the candidate regularly
  • No. 4 Not giving enough information about how the recruiting process will unfold
  • No. 5 Not being honest about the negative aspects of the job/organisation


If a strong preferred candidate is considering another offer, how do you react?

  • Offer them a higher salary - 9%                                                                              
  • Look for a strong second candidate - 7%                                                               
  • Up the benefits offer (e.g. vacation, flex time) - 7%                                               
  • Explain the value of the brand/culture or the organisation - 57%                             
  • Do something to make them feel special, such as meeting an executive - 19%    
  • Do nothing and hope for the best - 2%                                                                     


How important is it that a candidate like the recruiter with whom they are working?

  • Extremely important - 25%                                                                                       
  • Very important - 55%                                                                                                
  • Slightly important - 18%                                                                                           
  • Not important - 1%                                                                                                    


Can a recruiter convince a candidate to take a job even if they are unsure about the position?

  • Yes - 83%                                                                                                                
  • No - 17%                                                                                                                  


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