Women are one third less likely than men to have flexible working

Women are one third less likely than men to have arrangements for flexible working in place according to a new study for The Brew by rent24 of 1,000 UK office workers.
The new survey follows data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) , which revealed that women whose commute is an hour long are 29% more likely (than those with shorter commutes) to leave their jobs – a differential that does not exist among men. The report by the ONS also suggests that this could be exacerbating the gender pay gap and that the differential could be because women are still taking on the majority of unpaid work such as childcare and household responsibilities.
“The study by the ONS shows how women could benefit hugely in their careers and personal lives from flexible working, yet our survey of UK office workers suggests that they are less likely to have the option to do so than their male counterparts,” said Justina Cruickshank, Chief Operations Officer at The Brew by rent24. “That’s despite our study also finding that women are 5% more likely than men to see a job prospect as unattractive if it does not include the option for flexible working.”
However, the results of the survey for The Brew by rent24 also suggests that working from home may not be the answer for many women, as 1 in 3 in the workplace (10% more than men) see it as a potential disadvantage due to distractions from responsibilities around the home. Nearly half of women (20% more than men) also said they’d miss social interaction and 2 in 5 women (16% more than men) said they’d likely get bored if their workplace was to adopt a policy of working from home.
“Offering flexible working which incorporates the option for some remote working could go a long way to bridging the career gap between men and women and reducing the burden of their commute. It could also offer social interaction and stimulation that can spur brilliant ideas and productivity,” Justina continues. “Coworking presents opportunities for this as well as a sense of professionalism where remote working often falls down. Research highlights how employees in coworking spaces often experience greater levels of flexibility, learning, community and even a strengthened sense of identification with their employer.”
The Brew by rent24 is one of London’s most popular coworking companies for SMEs and start-ups and facilitates flexible working solutions (including 24-hour access), regular social networking events, on-site learning and development ‘meet ups’ and opportunities for skill-sharing with regular cross-industry workshops and seminars. Set up in 2012 to provide desirable workspaces at affordable prices, The Brew by rent24 believes in fostering a sense of community and encouraging ideas sharing between businesses and working professionals.
For more information about The Brew by rent24 visit https://www.thebrew.co.uk/.
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