In the UK, more than 60 per cent of the adult population is working from home during the Coronavirus lockdown. But now everyone has had a taste of working from home, the future workplace is likely to never look the same again.
The digital and technology platform provider, surveyed 447 workers and interviewed dozens of businesses about their current plans and opinions. The data identified that 93.3 per cent of people are able to perform their job as normal, from the comfort of their own home.
Over half (60 per cent) of people surveyed said they would like to work from home if they had the choice. What’s more, 52.6 per cent said they don’t want to return back to a normal office after Covid-19.
For the majority of people, working at home is an enjoyable experience, with 83.5 per cent of respondents admitting that they enjoy working at home, even during a global pandemic.
When asked the reason why working from home has been enjoyable, 39.9 per cent said the flexibility it brings, whilst 37.6 per cent said the lack of commuting, followed by 13.4% per cent admitting they liked having the space to concentrate.
Other responses included not having to keep up a ‘work persona’, wearing comfortable clothes, fewer interruptions and having “a workspace that is perfectly set up for my needs”.
According to the data, 67.6 per cent of respondents said they are more productive when working at home, potentially due to fewer distractions. However, 63.6 per cent of respondents admitted that they miss aspects of working in an office.
When asked what they missed most about the office, 43.1 per cent of people said socialising, with other answers including face-to-face meetings (15.7 per cent), communication with others (14.8 per cent) and structure (10 per cent).
One of the most popular responses was a call to continue working from home for the majority of the week, coming into the office for two days to meet others, socialise and brainstorm new ideas.
To view the full report click here.