Company health benefits have become a major incentive to winning and retaining talent
In the era of Covid, company health benefits have fast become one of the major incentives to winning and retaining talent. Leading testing expert Dr Quinton Fivelman says blood test 'MOTs' are now seen as one of the prime job perks, ensuring the health of employees and businesses alike.
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted work routines and made many people reassess their careers. Recent research from recruitment website Total Jobs shows nine in 10 people are looking for a new position. Now, London Medical Laboratory reveals that two out of three professionals say health benefits are their preferred perks and would make them consider staying at their existing company or joining a new firm.
In addition, workers in companies that support wellbeing initiatives are significantly more likely to recommend their company as a good place to work.
Dr Quinton Fivelman, PhD, the Chief Scientific Officer at London Medical Laboratory, says: "Wellness programmes are increasingly popular work benefits. Many people value health perks, including office exercise and recreational equipment, gym memberships and healthy workplace snacks. Employer-provided physical fitness and meditation programmes are expanding and there are even company mindfulness events based around mental health issues.
"Last year, around 41% of adults delayed or avoided regular healthcare check-ups. Against this background, it’s perhaps not surprising that one of the fastest growing and most highly prized of all benefits is a five-minute blood test 'MOT'.
"Simple and quick blood tests can be made available at people’s place of work using qualified mobile phlebotomists. They can also be taken at many drop-in clinics or even in people’s homes. These tests can identify potential issues before they become a problem or reassure people about their state of health.
"A rapidly growing number of companies, large and small, are now using providers such as London Medical Laboratory to undertake rapid, comprehensive tests that provide detailed snapshots of their employees’ state of health. Over the past year, these work-based tests have already spotted many previously undiagnosed diseases at an early stage.
"London Medical Laboratory’s own state-of-the-art Well Man and Well Woman Premier Plus tests, for example, measure around 40 individual readings, ranging from vitamins, iron and calcium to full blood count, thyroid stimulating hormones, oestradiol and testosterone. This annual health check has been well received because it gives peace of mind and can help people make lifestyle decisions.
"Whether it’s for individual tests or group tests using our mobile lab, trained lab staff can visit the employer’s premises. If preferred, they can be taken at many drop-in clinics and pharmacies. Postal kits that measure blood sugar to detect diabetes, thyroid function and even cholesterol are also readily available; they require less blood and can be done in the comfort of employees’ own homes.
"From these results, staff can learn whether they are at risk from a variety of health issues, from diabetes to strokes to potential blood cancers or thyroid problems. They give an invaluable assessment of overall health and help ensure the health of employees and businesses. Our research has revealed that absentee-day costs fall by about £2.66 for every £1 spent on wellness.
"London Medical Laboratory has provided testing services for a wide variety of businesses, including Sky, Lego, ITV, Gucci, Eurostar and Christies. The new-generation wellness blood tests are highly accurate, quick and simple to carry out. They take only around five minutes, with results usually emailed the next day."
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