Human element essentials for the latest generation of workers, Gen Z
When it comes to recruitment, employers are shifting their focus to the newest young members of the workforce: Generation Z born after 1995 who are now entering the workplace. Gen Z is set to outnumber Millennials by 2019 and organisations are keen to understand the first truly digital generation in order to attract, retain, and engage them.
As part of their ongoing research, The Generational Shift in the Workforce, RainmakerThinking, Inc. conducted a survey of 4,093 Generation Z members, aged 16 23, in order to understand what these new employees value most in a job.
The answer? The human element.
Gen Zer’s are looking for strong leaders and managers and for supportive relationships with coworkers and colleagues: 43% of respondents ranked supportive leadership as the most important factor for them in a job, with 42% ranking positive relationships at work as their most important job factor. Comparatively, autonomy and creative freedom, something typically seen to be valued by Millennials in the workplace, was the least valued job factor with only 16% of respondents finding it to be valuable to them.
Here’s what Gen Z is saying:
· I think you should be happy with what you’re doing. If you’re not happy, then what is the point?
· Probably the most important thing that I look for nowadays when I am thinking about new work is am I gonna feel good coming home at night?
· I don’t really wanna spend my days at work getting nothing out of it.
· Every person needs to be treated and addressed differently, so I think that’s just important to keep in mind.
· I would say [making] less money for a more positive, supportive cast around you [is worth it.] Having a negative group around you, even if you’re making money, wears away at your mental health.
These findings and more are outlined in RainmakerThinking’s report: The Voice of Generation Z. What Post-Millennials Are Saying About Work. Selected interview clips with Gen Zers from the study are available on the RainmakerThinking YouTube channel.
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