1 in 2 UK businesses could be barred from hiring foreign workers
Xydus, one of a handful of government certified identity service providers (IDSP) who can carry out the UK’s new digital Right to Work (RTW) checks, has revealed the findings of its independent research into business readiness. The research exposes a widespread knowledge gap among UK businesses ahead of October’s landmark overhaul to Right to Work (RTW) laws.The findings showed awareness of the new legislation was high, with 96% of businesses aware of the changes. However 48% of employers surveyed were still unprepared for the deadline, putting them at risk of significant non-compliance findings that could negatively impact their right to hire foreign workers and even the potential for directors to face jail time.Xydus is the only IDSP with more than a decade of experience as the compliance partner for employers. It pioneered user experience in digital RTW and employee onboarding, and enabled digital access to the NHS during the lockdown. Xydus commissioned research firm Censuswide to survey 501 senior decision-makers at businesses employing over 1000 people. Major misconceptions aboundThe survey exposes a vast array of legal misinformation and misconceptions across the business landscape:
- 4% are completely unaware of any legal changes, while 3% bizarrely claimed to conduct no RTW checks at all, meaning up to 536 large UK businesses may be headed towards compliance nightmares
- 72% believed driving licences were compliant for RTW checks, despite the documents never being accepted as evidence of RTW
- 78% were oblivious to the fact they could face jail time if non-compliant
- Must use government certified Identity Service Providers (IDSPs) to complete digital Right to Work checks for all UK employees.
- Must conduct Right To Work checks using only digital images of personal documents using certified ID validation technology to verify the employees right to work. Any other method is non-compliant.
- Could face a civil penalty of up to £20,000 per non-compliant worker, lose the ability to sponsor work visa applications for foreign nationals and potentially face criminal convictions if found non-compliant.
- Must keep records for up to two years after an employee exits the business.
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