Contract Support

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Full Time/Permanent
Soft Services
Front of House
Facilities Management (main)
£20,000 to £29,999
£22000 per annum
South Wales
28-01-2021 02:45 PM
Job Title: Contract Support

Location: Swansea

Hours: 08:00- 17:00

Salary: £22,000

Duration: Perm


Job Purpose:

Provide a comprehensive administrative and financial service.


Main Duties:

  • Understand, anticipate and deliver customer (internal and external) needs while building effective relationships.
  • Positively respond to both our internal and external customers through effective communication and personal accessibility.
  • Understand procedures and processes and operate them to the required standard. Examples of these are:
  • To operate the help desk efficiently ensuring all calls are dealt with and allocated to engineers in a timely manner
  • To Carry out General office / contract support duties
  • To assist lead and contract support in any other office duties seen fit.
  • Achieve results within quality and time restraints.
  • Perform with an understanding of business requirements and changes, and ensuring continuous improvement.
  • Actively participate in a diverse and effective team.
  • Convey messages and ideas clearly and openly. Involve people and influence decisions.





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