Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager

Full Time/Permanent
Facilities Management (main)
£30,000 to £39,999
London East
Southend-on-Sea Essex
18-10-2024 09:55 AM
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The Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager works with the Buildings and Technical Manager to drive a positive health, safety and risk culture at Southend Theatres. The Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager will take a supportive role in the management of maintenance across both venues, to ensure that Southend Theatres always provide a high level of safety and service.

Together, the Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager and the Buildings and Technical Manager will ensure the achievement of Southend Theatres’ targets and objectives by taking the lead on maintenance across both venues.

The Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager will have a disciplined and analytical approach to risk management, with a strong focus on risk assessment, reporting and trend analysis.

The Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager oversees the provision of maintenance support (electrics, plumbing, general maintenance, etc.) to ensure that Southend Theatres always provide a high level of safety and service. This includes routine maintenance of buildings and equipment, to ensure the effective running of all Southend Theatres’ venues.

Both the Deputy Buildings and Risk Manager and the Deputy Technical Manager deputise for the Buildings and Technical Manager when required.

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